Even if you are hiring a contractor to do your
fiber cement siding installation, it pays to be familiar with the
process. Fiber cement siding has some unique aspects to its
installation. While it may appear installation is out of order, fiber
cement siding is installed differently from shingles and wood siding -
in some aspects they are the same. If you are doing your own
installation, this is a good overview of the process you need to learn. Why fiber cement?
cement siding has been around for a while, but only in the past decade
has there been significant innovations in its production that make it
appropriate for any home. The new fiber cement siding options are just
as attractive as wood siding, and cared for more easily. Best of all,
fiber cement siding installation is one of the least expensive materials
to work with. The majority of the cost will come in labor. This can
make it a definite choice over vinyl or aluminum siding.
Prepping the side
first task is to prep the side. It should have the correct sheathing
for an exterior wall in your area. If you are unsure of what that
sheathing should be, ask your local home improvement store. Once the
sheathing is in place, you want to snap level lines across the sheathing
as a guide for even placement. The top of the sheathing should be
marked for beginning edge of the fiber cement siding installation. You
don’t have to measure down and mark for each row, but having guidelines
in place every few feet will help you spot if the siding begins to
Installing the trim
Next, install
the trim. This is different from many types of siding because the open
edges of the board slide behind the trim and then are lowered into
place. This actually makes it easier to keep your siding pieces level,
and makes the whole job quicker. You can also skip this step and do it
after you place the boards, but be aware you run the risk of not seeing
when a board is cut too short to be covered by the trim. Laying and spacing the board
you are ready to lay and space the board. You can choose to do a blind
nail fiber cement siding installation where the nail heads are covered
by the overlaying board, or a revealed nail installation. Each board
should overlap the one beneath by at least ¾ of an inch. The easiest way
to make sure this happens is to cut a jig that you can use to get the
spacing right.
The finish
The last part of the fiber cement siding installation
is the painting and sealing of the siding. Just like with a wood
siding board, paint is applied after to create the finish. This is
another reason many people choose fiber cement over nylon as it is also
easier and cheaper to upgrade a house with paint than a new color
Everyone has a story about a Chicago residential roofing job gone wrong – from the neighbors’ side. If it isn't tales about flat tires from roofing nails, or material waste blowing over into gardens – it’s complaints about work starting too early and the road being blocked. This doesn't have to be. There are some small and easy steps you and your contractor can take to help keep everyone happy while you get your roof, and get the job done on time.
Keeping the neighbor happy is your job
The last thing you need to deal with when your life is already disrupted by a roofing job are irate neighbors complaining. They can complain to you, the police and the town board depending on what is going on. While there are standards of professional conduct that any Chicago residential roofing contractor will operate by, keeping the neighbors happy is your job. There is a lot you can do to make sure that work gets done without complaint.
Let the contractor know if there are work limits
You know your neighborhood better than anyone else, therefore you will know the hours when work can occur. While many Chicago residential roofing contractors prefer to start as early in the day as possible to avoid the heat, they can also accommodate a later start time. A later start time may extend the length of the job as the contractors will most likely stop working at the same time as an earlier start because of safety concerns for their crews. Depending on the work crew and the neighborhood, you may have to set other work limits. This can be especially important if you are in a school zone or another protected area. Remember that if the crew gets in trouble, work stops and you don't get your roof.
Check with your town about parking issues
There are two different types of permits your Chicago residential roofing job will have. The first is for the work itself—in which your contractor may assume responsibility for that permit, but you may have to get it yourself. The second, depending on where you live in Chicago, is a work parking permit. This allows you to partially block parking spaces during the course of the work to allow for trucks and worker parking.
Make sure to notify the neighbors
It can go miles to keep good relations with your neighbor if you let them know in advance to expect workers at your home. You can state the hours they are working, give them your cell number in case there is a problem and inform them of any parking issues that will be occurring. If you had to get permits for work parking for your Chicago residential roofing job, be sure to mention that to your neighbors. The more you are perceived as proactive in protecting them from disruption, the more forgiving your neighbors will be for any that occur.
Be extra certain about the clean up The cleanup for any Chicago residential roofing job is going to have to be a mutual effort between you and the contractor. Make sure that before the job begins the contractor has a solid idea of what you expect in the cleanup. Be aware that some forms of cleanup may incur extra labor costs. If you want to avoid that, do the extra cleaning after the contractor leaves. Just make sure you are there when they leave so that in between none of your neighbors runs over a nail.
When you start looking for Lake Forest roof contractors you need to pay attention to whether they are experienced with new construction, along with existing construction. The two require very different approaches to the work. If you are looking for someone to provide the roofing work on your new construction you want to make sure that is what the contractor specializes in. What is the difference between new and existing roofing? The main difference breaks down to how the contractor is expecting to work, and with what types of materials. With many of the new construction projects you can have a roofing contractor in and out faster than with existing construction work. The crews are used to a higher pace of work as there is less care that has to be taken for existing siding and finishes on the home. The contractor who specializes in new construction is also going to be more attuned to the preparation of the roof structure in regards to insulation, support and drainage. It isn’t that they know more about it than a contractor who only does roof repairs or replacements, but the stage of the home construction they see has given them more exposure to it. Speed is the real difference Lake Forest roof contractors who specialize in new roofs are going to be more accustomed to working with other contractor schedules as well. A repair and replacement contractor won’t often have to fit their work in around the plumber or landscaper. This doesn’t mean that you can’t use a repair and replacement contractor for a new roof, it is just that you must be careful with the schedule planning to make sure that if there are delays they won’t result in charges from other contractors.
Are there Lake Forest roof contractors who do both? Yes, there are contractors who do both new and replacement roofs, as well as repairs. This is the ideal contractor to hire for any of your roofing work. What becomes difficult is that many roofing companies will say that they “do it all” just to get the work. Your best bet is to ask to see a list of the work that has been done by the Lake Forest roof contractors you are considering, and to call former client’s to check their references. Roofing is a skill; it isn’t something you can pick up easily no matter what the DIY channels tell you. Having experience means knowing what the potential is in each project environement. What can happen on a new construction site is far different from an established site. You want to pick the contractor that can anticipate what can happen, which is possible when you get one that has a history of working on all types of jobs.
And then there are the usual tasks Before you make a decision as to which of the Lake Forest roof contractors you want to hire you have to do your homework. This means you need to think through the timing of the planned work (try to avoid the stormy season), plan around any of your other contractors, and make sure that the work can be done in a timely fashion before the next contractor in the phases comes through. Next, you want to make sure that the contractors you are considering have all the proper licensing, insurance and other requirements to operate in Lake Forest. Talk to several of the Lake Forrest Roof Contractors who can meet your scheduling needs then, check references and look at prior work. You want to wait to do that step until you know they are available. One last tip about picking Lake Forest roof contractors One last tip - say you have done your homework and talked to a few contractors so all you have to do is check the references out and see the work that has been done. Before you do this, ask the contractor how long they will hold the schedule spot open for you. Respect their time frames and act accordingly. You don’t want the disappointment of checking the references, finding the contractor you love only to discover that they gave your slot away because it was taking too long.
It is every homeowner’s fear that in the middle of their Chicago residential roofing job a major storm comes through and interrupts the whole process.That process doesn’t always have to include direct harm to your home as a result of the storm; it may be a prolonged delay in the contractor getting back to work. Many Chicago residential roofing contractors participate in emergency programs that make the homes of those who are disabled or elderly a priority after storm damage. You are still on their list of concerns, but the city and state have prioritized the work that they can do. One way to make sure that no matter what happens you are prepared is to be proactive about how you would handle having the work interrupted by a storm. Tip #1 - Err on the side of caution If it is storm season, especially if you are on one of the lakefront districts, talk to your contractor about bumping your work up early, or putting it off from starting if there is a major line of storms coming through. A lot of problems occur when owners don’t listen to the suggestion of a contractor to wait a week before beginning because of potential storms. This can save you enormous time, money and headache in the long run. The key to making this a possibility is good planning. Your project schedule should allow for late starts or delays with contract work so it won’t interfere with the next phase. If it doesn’t, look at the schedule again and make sure there is “float time” worked in. That’s what the time to cover the unexpected is called in project management.
Tip #2 - Have a plan with the contractor A fact of life is that if a storm is coming the contractor will feel that they have adequately prepared the site by covering the staged material and removing their manpower so no one gets injured. As the homeowner, that preparation is going to seem lacking because the roof itself is exposed. Rather than wait and point fingers at who is at fault, clearly define with your contractor what you want done in the event of a storm cancellation. Most exposed roofs can handle a few days of wind and water without significant damage being done, but if there is a potential for major damage in other areas of Chicago that may delay your contractors return, know in advance how they will cover to protect your home until they are back.
Tip #3 - Practice Good Communication This tip is actually going to help you throughout any Chicago residential roofing project as it just makes everything work better. Practicing good communication with your contractor makes the job go smoother. They need a way to get a hold of you in the event of an emergency so decisions can be made. That emergency may be a major storm, or it could be a miscalculation in roof material - whatever the event, it should not be a big deal for them to call and get someone to talk to who can make a decision. You don’t have to be onsite for the whole job, but you do need to be available. Tip #4 - Plan your work around the storm season There may be a lot of reasons why you haven’t been able to get to having a Chicago residential roofing contractor come in until the beginning of the storm season, but that doesn’t mean that is the only time you can have them in. It can be better to delay a project until the season has passed then to taunt Mother Nature. This is not a time to want things done when you want them no matter what. This is a time to engage in responsible planning. Talk to your contractor about when the job should start and go with their advice to avoid trouble.
The key to not becoming a story of interest on the news for the trouble a storm has caused your home is to create good communication and practices with your Chicago residential roofing contractor. They can help you pick the best time for the work, create a plan for what to do if there is a storm, and keep your home and family safe during any rough weather to come. It takes a little planning, but it can save you money and heartache in the end.
There are a lot of benefits as well as drawbacks to living in Chicago. One of which is that if you need to have your roof done there are many Chicago roofing companies to choose from. While there isn’t any magical method to picking which one is the best, there is a practical method to narrowing down your list of Chicago roofing companies so you can find the best one for your job. Here is a brief overview of how to go about the process.
Location matters Where you need the roofing work done is going to be one of the first things that will help you narrow down the list of Chicago roofing companies to choose from. There are several companies that do serve Chicago and the surrounding areas, but more companies that have service boundaries. It won’t affect the price much, but it can affect the ability of the roofing company to get your work done on time. If you live in the Lake District and call in a company from the surrounding suburbs you just increased your chance of delays due to traffic and other common city interruptions which could cost you more money. Pick a company that serves your area first, and even one that is located within the boundary of your community. Don’t rule out Chicago roofing companies with area wide service; just make sure that service means more than just a willingness to take any job. Companies with a wide service area should have more than one crew.
What type of roof do you need? While everyone knows there is a difference between commercial and residential roofing, there are also a lot of differences within the available types of roofing for each of these. If you want a metal roof for a residential home that incorporates solar units then you may want a commercial metal roofer, not necessarily a residential roofer who has only worked with asphalt shingles. If you have an older home pay attention to the experience of the company you are choosing. The pitch of many of the turn of the century roofs may require a different type of safety and material handling equipment than the common Chicago roofing companies will carry. If you aren’t sure of the roof you need - such as when replacing a roof - talk to the roofing companies and get their
opinion on what would serve your needs best.
Obeying the rules of the seasons This is another sure-fire way to narrow down your list of Chicago roofing company. Roofing has a season, no matter what type of roofing it is. The earlier part of the season is reserved for more major jobs. Repairs and replacement roofs that aren’t as labor intensive can be reserved for later in the season - unless they involve a roof that exposes a home to weather damage. Roofing companies have to juggle their schedules to make sure that all the work for the season gets started at the right time to make sure it is done by season’s end. Be very wary of a company that is willing to start your work within a few weeks of winter’s beginning. Better to go with a roofer that will tell you the job can be done - but you have to wait until spring, because that shows a greater care for the quality of the finished product. Take the time to find some reviews from previous customers When it comes to narrowing down your list of Chicago roofing companies one of the best ways is a gift of the digital age. It is easier than ever to find out what the opinion of former customers are of their work, to check complaints with the state, and to verify insurance. One word of caution, when reading consumer reviews remember that you are more likely to see a negative review online than a positive one. That doesn’t always mean that the contractor is bad, it is just human nature that if you have a complaint you are more apt to make time to talk about it than if the experience is good. In general, most Chicago roofing companies that have been in business for longer than 8 years have managed to stay in business because they are good to their customers and deliver quality work.
There are a lot of reasons to choose vinyl siding installation over other types of siding. While the initial outlay may be more expensive, this material will last longer and look better for longer than any other. Maintenance is comprised of power washing and the occasional anti-fungal treatment. It can be a perfect way to reduce the amount of effort and stress taking care of your house can cause. It can also be the perfect choice if you are doing upgrades to improve the resale value of your home. This is an overview of the actual stages of vinyl siding installation so that you can be more of an informed consumer when interacting with your contractor.
The plan and the choice Planning and choosing a vinyl siding installation would seem simple, but you must pay careful attention. Talk to your contractor about the options and styles available to you. There are more siding options available beside a horizontal plank design. Make sure you look at all of the styles and options before you contract for the installation. The contractor may surprise you by recommending a mix of materials. It is growing more common to see vinyl siding installed to showcase custom masonry work; this lets you get the best of both worlds, especially when it comes to the resale value.
The surface prep Surface prep is next, which involves more than just having a wallboard to nail the vinyl siding on. Vinyl siding installation is done by attaching tracks or using pre-attached tracks to put sections of siding into place. The siding has to cover an exterior wall which may require a vapor barrier or thermal wrap by code. Your contractor can evaluate the surface and see if there is anything else needed. At a minimum, a moisture barrier is a must.
Trim The end and opening trim pieces can be installed before or after the vinyl siding installation. Many companies prefer to put it on first-as it lets them see immediately if a vinyl piece is too short to be covered. For doors and window openings, an entire day may be spent cutting and fitting the trim around them. Corner trim is usually installed on the same day the wall is covered. Don't assume that the trim has to be the same color as the vinyl siding, you can play with accent colors to really give your home a new look.
Finish The finish process for a vinyl siding installation is easier than any other type of siding installation. It mostly consists of a clean-up of waste and sometimes the contractor will precut waste pieces to leave behind as repair material in case you need it. One thing you should always do is keep a small piece of the siding. This can then be used as a color match piece when adding to the exterior decorations and landscaping of your home.
If you are ready to upgrade your building, or complete a new building, then you will need to find good siding contractors. Many general contractors will also offer siding services. You only want to use a general contractor if they are already doing work on your site, that way they will manage the whole process. You can also look at listings for dedicated siding contractors, or look for roofing and siding contractors.
Why roofing and siding? Roofing and siding usually go together because these two elements of your house form its entire protective shell. Roofers often do siding because it makes integrating the two systems easier. It is harder to have siding attached after a roof and vice versa; there is more risk of an area not being sealed properly. Contractors that are specialized in roofing and siding have the experience to be able to connect one after the other without an issue, even if the roof is older than the siding.
Surprise, finding reputable siding contractors is easy Despite what the Internet would have you believe, most chicago roofing contractor are very reputable. When you think about it, it makes sense that you wouldn't last long in a business that is based in customer service and has a highly visible product. Don't worry about being taken by a scam artist. If you check them out before you commit to a contract, you won't have a problem with your siding contractors.
What you need to check before you make contact You need to check the basics about licensing, insurance and whether or not there have been any complaints against a company before you contact them. If there have been complaints it is very important that you read them before dismissing the company as an option. All contractors are required to have a business license and insurance-don't work with anyone who is doing it on the side. Should something happen you will be the only one held liable.
Things to ask during the first conversation When you first talk to potential siding contractors you want to know the who, what, why, where and when before you even get to the “how much” part. In fact, it is a good practice to detour the conversation if it turns to pricing before you have the information on what they propose to do. A good contractor will be able to give you an idea, but not an estimate until they come out and see the job.
What to look for in an estimate The estimate should be guaranteed. Any changes to the work plan have to be approved by you before they are done and you have to build in a limit to what can be changed. You don't want to have the job half done and the siding contractors tell you the price has doubled because of an issue. In the estimate there should be a plan for finishing the job as described if the additional work is not approved.
There are a lot of reasons to choose vinyl siding
installation over other types of siding. While the initial outlay may be more
expensive, this material will last longer and look better for longer than any
other. Maintenance is comprised of power washing and the occasional anti-fungal
treatment. It can be a perfect way to reduce the amount of effort and stress
taking care of your house can cause. It can also be the perfect choice if you
are doing upgrades to improve the resale value of your home. This is an
overview of the actual stages of vinyl siding installation so that you can be
more of an informed consumer when interacting with your contractor.
The plan and the choice
Planning and choosing a vinyl siding installation would seem
simple, but you must pay careful attention. Talk to your contractor about the
options and styles available to you. There are more siding options available beside
a horizontal plank design. Make sure you look at all of the styles and options before
you contract for the installation. The contractor may surprise you by
recommending a mix of materials. It is growing more common to see vinyl siding
installed to showcase custom masonry work; this lets you get the best of both
worlds, especially when it comes to the resale value.
The surface prep
Surface prep is next, which involves more than just having a
wallboard to nail the vinyl siding on. Vinyl siding installation is done by
attaching tracks or using pre-attached tracks to put sections of siding into
place. The siding has to cover an exterior wall which may require a vapor
barrier or thermal wrap by code. Your contractor can evaluate the surface and
see if there is anything else needed. At a minimum, a moisture barrier is a
The end and opening trim pieces can be installed before or
after the vinyl siding installation. Many companies prefer to put it on first-as
it lets them see immediately if a vinyl piece is too short to be covered. For
doors and window openings, an entire day may be spent cutting and fitting the
trim around them. Corner trim is usually installed on the same day the wall is
covered. Don't assume that the trim has to be the same color as the vinyl
siding, you can play with accent colors to really give your home a new look.
The finish process for a
vinyl siding installation is easier than any other type of siding installation.
It mostly consists of a clean-up of waste and sometimes the contractor will precut
waste pieces to leave behind as repair material in case you need it. One thing
you should always do is keep a small piece of the siding. This can then be used
as a color match piece when adding to the exterior decorations and landscaping
of your home.
Everyone has a horror story about a contractor that did them wrong, while roofing contractors are often leading the list of miscreants. A lot of these stories are overblown, and if you look closely at the story details – the home owner is often the cause of the issue. The best way to prevent your experience with any Chicago roofing company from turning into a disaster is to learn what a contractor needs from you to do their job. If you can't give them what they need, they will have to come up with resources and solutions themselves that you may not like. Become the perfect client if you want the perfect contractor. Step 1: Know what you need and can afford Before you even begin to call around for estimates from Chicago roofing companies, have an idea of what you need and what you can afford. Any time you hear someone complaining that they were “sold” on a roof they didn't need and couldn't afford, the issue has to do with their not behaving like an educated consumer. It takes just a few clicks around to get an idea of pricing (with labor) and to find out about the different roofing types. You also need to become familiar with the type of roof your house can use with and without major installation. Take a good look at your budget to decide what you can afford and be upfront about it with the contractor. They may not be able to give you a new roof for free, but they can probably extend the life of your roof for what you can afford. That said, the roof is the only thing that determines the structural integrity of your home – don't get cheap with it.
Step 2: Make time for the roofing job
Remember that Chicago roofing companies have to manage a schedule of jobs. If you aren't flexible with the dates, then be prepared for unforeseen delays. You may have to take time out of your work to meet the contractor, but usually that isn't necessary. You also need to plan ahead and take care of any parking permits, as well as notifying the neighbors about the coming work. This will keep you on everyone's good side. Make sure you give yourself time before the job to get all of that in place and your job will go smoothly. Step 3: Get the cleanup in writing
This step is recommended to both you and the contractor as the last phase of the roofing job – the cleanup, where most disputes occur. If you want the drive swept with magnets, get it in writing and put in how many times and how wide the swath. Be prepared to pay extra labor charges for additional clean-up procedures. It is also good practice to establish a check list based on your agreement to qualify the release of the final payment. Step 4: Take care of your roof the way you are supposed to
Most new roofs that fail in their first five years don't fail because of an installation error, they fail because they are not properly maintained. Chicago has some serious weather swings, and you need to be proactive in taking care of your new roof if you want it to last. Take the time to get a recommended schedule of maintenance from your contractor. Some of the newer roof types do best with specific maintenance and treatments.
There are times when people end up looking to the wrong people about the services that they need and the quality of the work as a result is affected. But this cannot be easily done for home installations. There are components in one’s house that needs to be stable in order for the whole structure to be able to withstand the harsh elements. One example of these components is the siding.
Plan Every Step Carefully
Not only does a siding boost up a house’s appearance, one of its functional uses is the added protection it provides to the whole structure by keeping out the elements. And before hiring reliable and competent siding contractors for your needs, there is a must to think about the details thoroughly.
What Kind Of Siding Are You Partial To?
Also, so some research on the type of sidings that you think will be best for your home. This house component is not limited to one type and in order to give your house that appealing charm and functional purpose, knowing about how sidings work is a must. Are you going for a wood siding? Perhaps metal sidings or insulated ones? There are also plastic and stone types.
Go For Consultations
One of the best ways to ensure that everything goes smooth while your siding is installed is to ask about your concerns. Sure, you might not know about some specific details but it never hurts to ask around. Check out some contractor’s website or your local contractor and inquire about the best type of siding that can be installed for your home. You’d be surprised at how helpful these sessions can be in the planning stage.
Look For the Best Contractor
Lastly, your siding installation can only be deemed adequate if you get the right contractor for the job. It’s not an easy task since these people have to make sure that your house components are safe and productive after it’s done. Therefore, unreliable contractors can only cause trouble in the long run because you will have to repeat some procedures over again when there is untimely deterioration. Take note that a siding is not merely for the sake of how your house looks. It does serve its purpose of providing some sort of protection so one can never be too careful about choosing the right kind of service.
So are you one of those who plan to have siding installed in your home? Remember these tips and everything might just go smoothly. Siding contractors, with the help of them you can improve your home.
Source: Click here
While you can find a general contractor to do your work, you
really want a Chicago roofing and siding specialist. The reason for this is
simple. Most of the general contractors will sub contract the siding and roof
on new constructions. They do so because it is very particular work in which
experience and skill rules. The roofing and siding connect to form the
protective shell for your building. It is the most important aspect of your
home and one you should keep in the hands of professionals for care.
What you need to do as a homeowner
As a homeowner, your first job is to know how much you can
truly afford. While everyone loves getting a good price, you don't want to be
cheap. You need to know what is in your budget, and get an idea of the ballpark
range for jobs in your area. Don't go off a national average for a roof cost,
each geographical area of the country will have different prices. What you are
looking for is an estimate that stays within 10 percent of the local average – anything
more, there could be an issue with material quality or labor. You will also be
the one to take care of any parking permits and notifying your neighbors about
the work.
How to tell if you need repair or replacement work
Most repair needs can be detected by looking for stains,
drips, mossy growths and dried or missing caulk and sealant. If your roofing or
siding has begun to crack, split, peel up or just plain fall off – you need to
have a replacement installation and not a repair. A good Chicago roofing and
siding company isn't going to do a repair on a roof that is failing, that would
put their liability at risk. Be realistic about the work you need, and have it
evaluated. A good way to determine the actual work needed is to spend the money
to have a home inspector come out and look at your roofing and siding. This
will tell you what you need to know about keeping the resale of your home.
Why roof repair almost always means siding work is on the
If your roof needs repair or replacement, chances are your
Chicago roofing and siding company is going to point out repairs or replacement
needed with your siding too. This isn't because they are trying to sell you
something, it’s because the roof and siding work together as a protective unit.
If one part of the unit becomes damaged, then you can be sure that damage has
begun on the other. When the integrity of a roof is compromised it means the
elements are coming in and can also seep under the sheathing beneath the roof
and siding.
Keeping your cost down
The best way to keep your cost down for any Chicago roofing or siding job is to not skimp on repairs or replacements.Talk to the contractor about the type of maintenance
your job needs to stay in good shape. Cleaning gutters, power washing siding, and
seasonal touch ups on caulk and flashing are all a part of maintaining the
exterior of your home so you can keep your roof and siding in good shape
longer. Most major repairs are needed due to neglect, not the roof or siding
wearing out. Just by taking a few moments to ask what you should do on a
seasonal basis can help keep you from having to spend money on repairs that
could have been avoided.
If you are considering hiring a Chicago roofing and siding contractor, or doing the work yourself, you must account for the entire job – not just the installation. The final finish for roofing and siding is what will largely determine the lifespan of the material. You need to know a few ins and outs of the materials and types of finish before starting to ensure a good job. What does the final finish look like?
The final finish on a roofing or siding project can vary greatly. For some types of siding, the final finish is trim and paint. For many types of roofs, it is just the cleanup and flashing. If you are installing a slate or terracotta roof, it may need to be sealed as well. The same may hold true for wood siding or shingles. If sealing and painting are in order, this can be a multi-day project that is dependent on the weather - temperature, humidity and sun exposure.
For some materials, the finish is the clean-up
Some of the nylon siding and many of the asphalt roofing types require only a cleanup for finishing. This doesn't simply mean a nail sweep, but can also include the final trim work and back filling. Many Chicago roofing company contractors will not do the final fill on the siding job; that is generally left to the landscaper or general contractor. If you reside in a home, they may even work around having to actually excavate. Make sure you know what the contractor's plans are first so you don't get left with a surprise trench to fill in later.
Making sure that painting and sealing is scheduled right
No matter what type of material you have selected to have your Chicago roofing and siding contractor install, it has to be painted or sealed. This is where a lot of jobs can go wrong. If you push a contractor to “wrap it up” you may wind up with material that will fail. If you are doing the work yourself, for successful application, you need to follow the directions closely and find out the climate adaptations to humidity and altitude unique to Chicago. How much of the work should you do?
This is the real question for those who are on a tight budget. Many times, you can ask a Chicago roofing and siding contractor what work you can assume to lower your cost. They will most likely suggest the cleanup and staging - as the other aspects of the job are time consuming and technically demanding. For many types of siding, like fiber cement, you can do some of it yourself. Bear in mind what your insurance will cover before you start doing anything.
While metal roofing can be slick, reflective, and fussy to install, the majority of metal roof projects aren’t as difficult as they may seem. Of course, metal roofing can be applied to any roof, but let’s focus on a very simple residential hipped roof.
• All sides slope toward the ground. Two sides are triangular, while the other two sides are trapezoidal.
• The standard residential home with metal roofing will generally have identical pitch or slope on all sides.
Must I Remove The Existing Roof?
• Metal roofing can be installed over existing roofing, assuming the structure of the roof can sustain the weight. It adds a significant amount of weight and requires shoring of roof supports.
• The most effective means to install a metal roof is to remove the old roof, structure new support, and begin again.
Begin at the Top
A practical tool now comes into play—the tape measure. Before you can order materials, you must know the length of needed coverage between eave and ridgepole, the piece of wood that runs from front to back and supports the rafters.
• Picture the roof as a cross section in the shape of a triangle, longest side down. This is called a “truss,” and is also the “run distance.”
• Now measure the leg of the triangle which runs from each end of the run distance to the ridgepole. This is the “rise distance.” In our case, the rise distance is the same on both sides.
• From here,you can determine the square footage of your roof, and determine how much roofing material to order.
Adding to the Framework
Next comes the insulation layer. All roofs have moisture, therefore you want to block it from entering the sheathing.
The installation process begins at the edge. First, install edging around the entire roof overhang. This is done by nailing to the roof framework, and overhanging the edge of the gutter system.
Next, position the metal panels horizontally, square to the edge, and overhanging slightly. Once in place, secure the panels to the structure with washer-head screws (to keep out water) set a foot apart. It would be a good practice to snap a chalk line at each level to position the screws on the frame and create an attractive picture from the ground.
The Layout Process
Subsequent rows must overlap by at least an inch. In a particularly moist environment, silicone may be applied at the place of overlap; the pressure on the metal sheet will spread the silicone and create a seal.
Finally comes the flashing that covers the vertical joints. Where there is a ridge, that flashing can be bent to fit. Like the plates themselves, flashing pieces must overlap towards the bottom, for water flow.
On simple buildings where there is little concern for perfection, a DIY project is possible. For elaborate jobs with many joints, dormers, and varying roof styles, it is best to hire a metal roof installation.
Everyone has a story about a Chicago residential roofing job gone wrong – from the neighbors’ side. If it isn't tales about flat tires from roofing nails, or material waste blowing over into gardens – it’s complaints about work starting too early and the road being blocked. This doesn't have to be. There are some small and easy steps you and your contractor can take to help keep everyone happy while you get your roof, and get the job done on time.
Keeping the neighbor happy is your job
The last thing you need to deal with when your life is already disrupted by a roofing job are irate neighbors complaining. They can complain to you, the police and the town board depending on what is going on. While there are standards of professional conduct that any Chicago residential roofing contractor will operate by, keeping the neighbors happy is your job. There is a lot you can do to make sure that work gets done without complaint.
Let the contractor know if there are work limits
You know your neighborhood better than anyone else, therefore you will know the hours when work can occur. While many Chicago roofing company prefer to start as early in the day as possible to avoid the heat, they can also accommodate a later start time. A later start time may extend the length of the job as the contractors will most likely stop working at the same time as an earlier start because of safety concerns for their crews. Depending on the work crew and the neighborhood, you may have to set other work limits. This can be especially important if you are in a school zone or another protected area. Remember that if the crew gets in trouble, work stops and you don't get your roof.
Check with your town about parking issues
There are two different types of permits your Chicago residential roofing job will have. The first is for the work itself—in which your contractor may assume responsibility for that permit, but you may have to get it yourself. The second, depending on where you live in Chicago, is a work parking permit. This allows you to partially block parking spaces during the course of the work to allow for trucks and worker parking.
Make sure to notify the neighbors
It can go miles to keep good relations with your neighbor if you let them know in advance to expect workers at your home. You can state the hours they are working, give them your cell number in case there is a problem and inform them of any parking issues that will be occurring. If you had to get permits for work parking for your Chicago residential roofing job, be sure to mention that to your neighbors. The more you are perceived as proactive in protecting them from disruption, the more forgiving your neighbors will be for any that occur. Be extra certain about the clean up
The cleanup for any Chicago roofing contractor is going to have to be a mutual effort between you and the contractor. Make sure that before the job begins the contractor has a solid idea of what you expect in the cleanup. Be aware that some forms of cleanup may incur extra labor costs. If you want to avoid that, do the extra cleaning after the contractor leaves. Just make sure you are there when they leave so that in between none of your neighbors runs over a nail.
When you have a problem with your roof it is always
stressful as you wait for your Lake Forest roof contractor to visit and determine
whether it can be repaired or if the whole roof needs to be replaced. There are
signs you can spot to better prepare yourself for the job at hand. This will
also let you better manage your repair budget as you will know when to repair and
when to replace the roof.
Look for the signs of repair-worthy damage
It can be hard to spot the signs that a roof needs repair,
but if you make inspecting your roof a part of your seasonal maintenance, you
will find signs before a big problem is created and warrants replacement.
Leaking is the biggest sign, but often you have to get in under the roof to
spot small leaks. If it is leaking into the house proper, you probably need to
replace the roof. You should also examine the roof and caulk for signs that it
is dried out, peeled off or flaking—that is something you can easily patch.
Look for the signs that replacement is needed
The signs that a roof needs to be replaced are easy to spot.
Any Chicago residential roofingcontractorcan rattle off the list for you. The list
includes signs of buckling or peeling in the shingle and siding of the home
near the roof. Another telltale sign is getting asphalt dust in your gutters.
This means the adhesive on the tile coating is giving out and is a sure sign
you need a new roof.
Understand the cost and recovery
No matter whether you are getting a repair or replacement
estimate from any of the Lake Forest roof contractors it is going to be a bit
of an expense. When you consider that the average new roof job costs about
$25,000, it is well worth it as it will add $12,500 to the resale value of your
home—a good investment in your future. Many times, home owners think they can
avoid the cost of a roof job because they plan to sell, but the buyer will make
having the job a condition of the sale. It is better that you maintain the roof,
and replace it if necessary, while you are still living in the house rather than
at the moment of sale. A poor roof can lead to a lot of damage later.
The layers make the difference
Depending on the condition of your roof, you may be able to
do a repair or new installation using a minimum of layers. The more layers on a
roof, the more expensive it will be. What you shouldn't do is skimp on the
material in the layer. Don't choose a 10 pound single layer over the 30 pound
to save money. Always make sure that your layers are of top quality, even if
you are only installing one. Low quality layers will break down faster and it
will be like paying to do the job twice.
Choose wisely
You need to become an educated consumer when it comes to
roofing. Any Chicago roofing contractor can help you to decide what you need.
They stay in business by having a reputation of being fair, don't hesitate to
ask for their opinion and advice. A roof can have a long lifespan, but they do
wear out. Keeping up with regular roof maintenance is the best way to prevent
problems, and to spot the need for a new roof before it also becomes a
demolition job.